Ezra The Foundation of Aliya « Love of the Land « Ohr Somayach

Love of the Land

For the week ending 14 June 2003 / 14 Sivan 5763

Ezra The Foundation of Aliya

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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When a Jew today thinks of making aliya to Eretz Yisrael or even visiting, all he has to do is get on a plane and arrive in a matter of hours. But when Ezra the Scribe laid the "foundation for aliya" (Ezra 7:9) by leading a large number of Jews from Babylonian exile to Eretz Yisrael it took him four months until he arrived in Jerusalem. This is how this historic foundation is described:

"For Ezra prepared his heart to see the Torah of G-d, to do it and to teach the People of Israel the statutes and laws." (ibid. 7:10)

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