Kiryat Sefer - The City of the Book « Love of the Land « Ohr Somayach

Love of the Land

For the week ending 24 March 2012 / 29 Adar I 5772

Kiryat Sefer - The City of the Book

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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Although the Israeli government insists on calling it "Modiin Elit" everyone refers to this relatively new community as Kiryat Sefer.

The name has is source in the Tanachic description of the fierce battle waged by Kalev, at the head of the Tribe of Yehuda, to conquer the Canaanite city which was to bear the name Kiryat Sefer.

The modern city of Kiryat Sefer is located about a half-hours distance from Jerusalem and is fast becoming the third largest observant community in Eretz Yisrael.

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