Clarification of Rabbi Akiva teaching Kaddish
A reader on soc.culture.jewish asks:
I liked your last issue of ASK THE RABBI. I wanted to do some more reading on the subject of Kaddish, but I couldn't find your reference to your quote about Rabbi Akiva. Also, I remember hearing that he taught the man "Borchu" instead of "Kaddish." Please help!
I'm sorry if my source list was unclear. I quoted the secondary source "Gesher Hachaim" ch. 30, because this Midrash is quoted in a number of places; and as you rightly noted there is a question as to the correct text. Some contain the word "Borchu", and others have the word "Kaddish." I chose "Gesher Hachaim" because he cites various secondary sources to show that the Midrash is indeed talking about Kaddish.
The Midrash is found in the following places:
- Kallah Rabuta, ch. 2
- Tana D'vei Eliyahu Zuta, ch. 17
- Midrash on the Asseres Hadibros
- Midrash Ruth Hane'elam
- Zohar Ruth Hachadash
- Zohar Chadash, Parshas Lech Lecha (according to the "Ohr Zarua")
- Zohar, Parshas Achrei Mos (according to the "Beit Yosef")
It can also be found in the following secondary sources:
- Rabbeinu Bachaye, Parshas Shoftim
- Menorat Hamaor - ner aleph, clal aleph, chelek bet, perek aleph
- The Kolbo
- The Beit Yosef
- The Darkei Moshe