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All results matching "Counting of the Jewish People in Bible, Rounding Off to the Nearest 50"

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Found 1255 records.
Showing Results for 'Counting of the Jewish People in Bible, Rounding Off to the Nearest 50'

 Adoption in Jewish Law, Status
       Esher, Mordechai's Wife
 Mayim Achronim Water
 Stars, Shabbat Ending Time
       Shabbat, Ending time, Stars
 Shabbat, Not Blowing a Shofar
       Shofar, Not Blowing on Shabbat
       Rosh Hashanah, Not Blowing a Shofar on Shabbat
 Partial Observance
       Observance, Partial
       Mitzvos, Partial Observance
 Depression, Available Resources
 Laughter, God
       Comedy, Divine
       Humor, Divine
       God, Sense of Humor
 Israel, Obligation to Live in
 Flying Rabbis
       Rabbis, Flying
 Partial Observance
       Hypocrasy in Partial Observance
       Observance, Partial
 Stocks, Gambling in the Market
       Gambling in the Stock Market
 Pesach, Charity Before
       Charity Before Passover
       Passover, Charity Before
       Kimcha D'pischa; Meaning & Signifigance
 Wandering in Desert, How Long?
       Desert Wandering, Exactly how Long?
       Moshe, How Old?
 How Does G-d Deal With Taxes?
 Death of Our Enemies, Celebrating
       Enemies, Celebrating Death or Suffering of
       Revenge in Purim Story
       Suffering of Our Enemies, Celebrating
       Celebrating Death or Suffering of Our Enemies
       Purim, Celebrating While Others Suffered
 American Independence Day
       Freedom in America
       4th of July
 Sinai, Various Names
       Mt. Sinai, Names
       Names of Mt. Sinai
 Upfsherin (Cutting a 3-Year Old's Hair)
       Hair, Waiting 3 Years to Cut

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