For the week ending 18 May 2013 / 8 Sivan 5773
Parshat Naso
- What is the significance of the number 8,580 in this weeks Parsha?
- Besides transporting the Mishkan, what other service performed by the leviim is referred to in this Parsha?
- On which day did Moshe teach the command to send those who are temeim (ritually impure) out of the camp?
- Name the three camps in the desert.
- Who was sent out of each of the camps?
- A person stole from another and swore that he was innocent. If he later confesses his guilt, what are his obligations?
- Who determines which kohen receives the gifts that must be given to the kohanim?
- What does the Torah promise a person who gives matnot kehuna?
- Why are the verses about matnot kehuna followed by the verses about the sotah?
- Why is the sotah given water from the holy basin?
- What does the kohen do to the hair of a sotah?
- When a sotah who is guilty of adultery drinks the water, she dies in a very specific fashion. What happens to the adulterer?
- Before the name of G-d is erased, the sotah has the option either to admit guilt or to drink the water. Does she have a third option?
- What are chartzanim? What are zagim?
- What sin does a nazir commit against himself?
- Where was the cut hair of a nazir placed?
- A kohen should bless the people "with a full heart." What word in the Parsha conveys this idea of "a full heart?"
- What is the meaning of the blessing, "May G-d bless you and guard you?"
- What is the meaning of the blessing, "May G-d lift up His countenance upon you?"
- The tribe of Yissachar was the second tribe to offer their gifts. Why did they merit this position?
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 4:47-48 - It is the number of leviim between ages thirty and fifty.
- 4:47 - Singing and playing cymbals and harps to accompany the sacrifices.
- 5:2 - The day the Mishkan was erected.
- 5:2 - The camp of the Shechina was in the center, surrounded by the camp of Levi which was surrounded by the camp of Yisrael.
- 5:2 - A metzora was sent out of all three camps. A zav was permitted in the camp of Yisrael but excluded from the two inner camps. A person who was tamei from contact with the dead had to leave only the camp of the Shechina.
- 5:6-8 - He pays the principle plus a fifth to the victim, and brings a korban asham.
- 5:10 - The giver.
- 5:10 - Great wealth.
- 5:12 - To teach that someone who withholds the gifts due the kohanim is deserving of eventually bringing his wife to the kohanim to be tried as a sotah.
- 5:17 - The holy basin was made from the mirrors of the righteous women who left Egypt; the sotah strayed from the example set by these women.
- 5:18 - He uncovers it.
- 5:22 - He dies a similar death.
- 5:27 - Yes, she can refuse both: She can refuse to admit guilt and also refuse to drink the water. (After the Name of G-d is erased, she loses this option.)
- 6:4 - Chartzanim are seeds. Zagim are peels.
- 6:11 - He abstains from enjoying wine.
- 6:18 - It was placed on the fire under the pot in which the nazirs shelamim offering was cooked.
- 6:23 - "Amor."
- 6:24 - "May G-d bless you" that your property may increase, "and guard you" from robbery.
- 6:26 - "May He suppress His anger."
- 7:18 - The Tribe of Yissachar was well versed in Torah. Also, they proposed the idea that the nesiim should offer gifts.