The 613 Mitzvos
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, the Rambam or Maimonides, was one of the first codifiers of Jewish law. His fourteen volume Mishneh Torah ("The Yad Hachazakah") covers all of Jewish law, belief and practice. He divides the 613 Mitzvot (commandments) into 14 books, with 83 sections. (Please note: the first number on the left is the number of commandments out of the total 613 commandments, and the second number is the number of commandments in the current section.) |
- 1. Know there is G-d
- 2. Don't believe in any other
- 3. Know that He is One
- 4. Love Him
- 5. Fear Him
- 6. Sanctify His Name
- 7. Don't profane His Name
- 8. Don't destroy things bearing His Name
- 9. Listen to a prophet
- 10. Don't test Him too much
Section II - Character [11 Mitzvot]
- 1. Emulate the Almighty
- 2. Cleave to those who know Him
- 3. Love Fellow Jews
- 4. Love proselytes
- 5. Don't hate your brothers
- 6. Reprove
- 7. Don't embarrass another
- 8. Don't oppress the weak
- 9. Don't gossip
- 10. Don't take revenge
- 11. Don't bear a grudge
Section III - Learn Torah [2 Mitzvot]
- 1. Learn Torah
- 2. Honor those who know Torah
Section IV - Idol Worship [51 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't inquire into idol worship
- 2. Don't follow your desires
- 3. Don't blaspheme
- 4. Don't worship idols in the way they are worshipped
- 5. Don't worship idols in the four ways we worship G-d
- 6. Don't make an idol for yourself
- 7. Don't make an idol for others
- 8. Don't make a statue of a man
- 9. Don't turn many people to idol worship
- 10. Burn a city that has turned to idol worship
- 11. Don't rebuild it as city
- 12. Don't derive any benefit from it
- 13. Don't turn one person to idol worship
- 14. Don't love the person that turns you to idol worship
- 15. Don't abandon this hatred
- 16. Don't try to save him
- 17. Don't say anything in his defense
- 18. Don't refrain from incriminating him
- 19. Don't prophecy in the name of an idol
- 20. Don't listen to such a prophet
- 21. Don't prophesy falsely, even in G-d's name
- 22. Don't be afraid to kill a false prophet
- 23. Don't swear in the name of idols
- 24. Don't perform act of "ov" (medium)
- 25. Don't perform act of "yidoni" (magical seer)
- 26. Don't pass children through flame to molach
- 27. Don't erect a structure for people to gather at
- 28. Don't bow down on smoothed stone
- 29. Don't plant a tree n the sanctuary
- 30. Destroy idols and accessories
- 31. Don't derive any benefit from man-made idols
- 32. Don't derive any benefit from natural objects served as idols
- 33. Don't make a covenant with idol worshippers
- 34. Don't show favor towards them
- 35. Don't let them stay in our land
- 36. Don't go in their fashion
- 37. Don't be superstitious
- 38. Don't go into a trance for foreseeing
- 39. Don't engage in astrology
- 40. Don't utter magic chants
- 41. Don't try to make contact with the dead
- 42. Don't consult "ov"
- 43. Don't consult "yidoni"
- 44. Don't do magic
- 45. Don't round your head (side-burns)
- 46. Don't destroy your beard with razor
- 47. Don't (men) wear women's clothes
- 48. Don't (women) wear men's clothes
- 49. Don't tattoo your skin
- 50. Don't tear your skin in mourning
- 51. Don't pull out your hair in mourning
Section V - Repentance [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To repent and confess sins
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK II LOVE Recital of the Shma Yisrael, prayer, tefillin, mezuza, Torah scroll, tzitzit, blessings, and circumcision. 6 Sections, 11 Mitzvot
Section I - Recital of Shema [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Say Shema twice a day
Section II - Prayer [2 Mitzvot]
- 1. Pray to G-d each day
- 2. (The Kohanim) Bless the People of Israel daily
Section III - Tefillin [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Wear Tefillin on the head
- 2. Wear Tefillin on the arm
- 3. Put up a Mezuza on doorposts
- 4. Write a Sefer Torah for yourself
- 5. A king to write a second Sefer
Section IV - Tzitzis [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To wear Tzitzis fringes on garments
Section V - Blessings [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Bless His Name after meals
Section VI - Circumcision [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To circumcise sons on eighth day
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK III TIMES (Seasons) The Shabbat, Yom Kippur, holidays, New Moon, and fast days. 10 Sections, 35 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws of Sabbath [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Rest on the Sabbath
- 2. Don't do any work
- 3. Don't punish on the Sabbath
- 4. Don't go out of the boundaries of the city
- 5. Sanctify the day with words of remembrance
Section II - Laws of Eruvin (of Rabbinic Origin only)
Section III - Laws of Yom Kippur [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. Rest on Yom Kippur
- 2. Don't do any work
- 3. Fast
- 4. Don't eat or drink
Section IV - Laws of Yom Tov [12 Mitzvot]
- 1. Rest on the 1st day of Passover
- 2. Don't do any work
- 3. Rest on the 7th day of Passover
- 4. Don't don any work
- 5. Rest on Shavuos
- 6. Don't do any work
- 7. Rest on Rosh Hashana
- 8. Don't do any work
- 9. Rest first day Succos
- 10. Don't do any work
- 11. Rest eighth day Succos
- 12. Don't do any work
Section V - Laws of Passover [8 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't eat chametz 14th day from noon on
- 2. Destroy chametz on 14th day
- 3. Don't eat chametz 7 days of Passover
- 4. Don't eat mixture of chametz
- 5. Don't allow chametz to be seen in your possession
- 6. Don't allow chametz to be found in your possession
- 7. Eat Matzah on eve of 15th
- 8. Tell of Exodus that night
Section VI - Shofar, Succah, Lulav [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Hear blowing of Shofar on Rosh Hashana
- 2. Dwell in Succah during Succos
- 3. Take up Lulav on Succos
Section VII - Shekalim [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To give half-shekel annually for sanctuary
Section VIII - New Moon [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To calculate and determine start of each month
Section IX - Fasts [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. To fast and cry out in troubled times
Section X - Megillah and Chanukah (of Rabbinic Origin only)
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK IV WOMEN Marriage, divorce, seduction, and infidelity. 5 Sections, 17 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws of Marriage [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. Take a wife through Kiddushin and Ketubah
- 2. Don't have relations with a woman not thus married
- 3. Don't withhold food, clothing and relations from wife
- 4. Have children with wife
Section II - Divorce [2 Mitzvot]
- 1. Divorce with a Get document
- 2. Don't remarry your divorcee after she marries another
Section III - Laws of a Widow [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Do Yibum: Marry childless widowed brother's wife
- 2. Do Chalitzah (when Yibum not desired)
- 3. Don't (this childless widow) marry another while still bound to husband's brother
Section IV - Laws of Young Maidens [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Fine seducers
- 2. Marry maiden that he coerced
- 3. Don't divorce her
- 4. Slanderer to keep his wife forever
- 5. Don't divorce her
Section V - Laws of Suspect Wife [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out Torah Law of suspect wife.
- 2. Don't put oil on her sacrifice
- 3. Don't put incense on her sacrifice
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK V HOLINESS Illicit sexual relations, forbidden foods, and ritual slaughter. 3 Sections, 70 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws of Forbidden Sexual Relationships [37 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't have relations with mother
- 2. Don't have relations with father's wife
- 3. Don't have relations with sister
- 4. Don't have relations with father's wife's daughter
- 5. Don't have relations with son's daughter
- 6. Don't have relations with daughter
- 7. Don't have relations with daughter's daughter
- 8. Don't take as a wife a woman and her daughter
- 9. Don't take as a wife a woman and her son's daughter
- 10. Don't take as a wife a woman and her daughter's daughter
- 11. Don't have relations with father's sister
- 12. Don't have relations with mother's sister
- 13. Don't have relations with father's brother's wife
- 14. Don't have relations with son's wife
- 15. Don't have relations with brother's wife
- 16. Don't have relations with wife's sister
- 17. Don't (man) have relations with a beast
- 18. Don't (woman) have relations with a beast
- 19. Don't have homosexual relations
- 20. Don't have homosexual relations with father
- 21. Don't have homosexual relations with father's brother
- 22. Don't have relations with another man's wife
- 23. Don't have relations with any woman while she is menstrually impure
- 24. Don't intermarry with gentiles
- 25. Don't let an Ammonite or Moabite marry into us
- 26. Don't prevent a 3rd generation Egyptian from marrying into us
- 27. Don't prevent a 3rd generation Edomite from marrying into us
- 28. Don't let a mamzer marry into us
- 29. Don't let a eunuch marry into us
- 30. Don't castrate a male, even an animal
- 31. Don't - a High Priest - marry a widow
- 32. Don't - a High Priest - have relations with a widow, even out of marriage
- 33. A High Priest shall marry a virgin in her maidenhood
- 34. Don't - a priest - marry a divorced woman
- 35. Don't - a priest - marry a zonah (one who had relations with heathen or relative)
- 36. Don't - a priest - marry a chalalah (the party to or product of relations forbidden to priest)
- 37. Don't have close contact with forbidden women
Section II - Forbidden Foods [28 Mitzvot]
- 1. Examine the marks of the beast to distinguish clean from unclean
- 2. Examine marks of fowl (to distinguish clean from unclean)
- 3. Examine marks of Locust (to distinguish clean from unclean)
- 4. Examine marks of Fish (to distinguish clean from unclean)
- 5. Don't eat the unclean beasts
- 6. Don't eat the unclean fowl
- 7. Don't eat the unclean fish
- 8. Don't eat winged creeping things
- 9. Don't eat things that creep on earth
- 10. Don't eat vermin that creep on earth
- 11. Don't eat a worm found in fruit after it has emerged on the ground
- 12. Don't eat creeping things of the water
- 13. Don't eat the flesh of a beast that died without slaughter
- 14. Don't benefit from on ox condemned to be stoned
- 15. Don't eat the flesh of a Treifah beast
- 16. Don't eat a limb of a beast removed while it was alive
- 17. Don't eat blood
- 18. Don't eat Chelev (certain fat) of a clean animal
- 19. Don't eat the sinew of the thigh-vein
- 20. Don't eat meat with milk
- 21. Don't cook it with milk
- 22. Don't eat bread make of new grain (before Omer offered)
- 23. Don't eat parched corn of the new produce (before...)
- 24. Don't eat fresh ears of corn (before...)
- 25. Don't eat Orlah (fruit from tree under 3 years. old)
- 26. Don't eat produce of diverse seeds sown in a vineyard
- 27. Don't eat produce from which the priest's tithes have not been separated
- 28. Don't drink wine poured as libation to idol
Section III - Laws of Slaying Animals for Food [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Slay an animal in prescribed way before eating it
- 2. Don't slay a beast and its offspring on the same day
- 3. Cover the blood of a wild beast or fowl
- 4. Don't take the mother bird from its young
- 5. Release the mother bird if you did take her
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK VI SPECIFIC UTTERANCES Oaths, vows, Nazirite restrictions, and devotion of property to the Sanctuary. 4 Sections, 25 Mitzvot
Section I - Law of Oaths [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't swear by G-d's name falsely
- 2. Don't swear by G-d's name in vain
- 3. Don't deny claim to an article left in trust
- 4. Don't swear in denial of a money claim
- 5. Swear by His Name when truth must be affirmed
Section II - Law of Vows [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Fulfill what you have uttered as a vow
- 2. Don't break your vow or oath
- 3. That the vow shall be annulled under certain circumstances
Section III - Laws of the Nazir [10 Mitzvot]
- 1. Let your hair- of a Nazir - grow long
- 2. Don't cut off your hair while you are a Nazir
- 3. Don't drink wine, wine mixtures or wine vinegar
- 4. Don't eat fresh grapes
- 5. Don't eat raisins
- 6. Don't eat kernels of grapes
- 7. Don't eat skins of grapes
- 8. Don't enter a house where there is a dead body
- 9. Don't defile yourself by contact with dead
- 10. Shave off your hair when bringing your sacrifices
Section IV - Laws of Appraisal of Things Devoted to the Sanctuary [7 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out appraisal of human beings according to Torah laws
- 2. Carry out appraisal of devoted animals according to Torah laws
- 3. Carry out appraisal of dwellings devoted according to Torah laws
- 4. Carry out appraisal of devoted fields according to Torah laws
- 5. Carry out law of one who devoted his property
- 6. Don't sell what was thus devoted
- 7. Don't redeem what was thus devoted
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK VII SEEDS The crossing of seeds, cattle and materials, laws of charity and tithing, and laws regarding the sabbatical and jubilee years. 7 Sections, 67 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws concerning the Sowing of Diverse seeds together [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't sow diverse seeds together
- 2. Don't sow seeds of grains or greens in a vineyard
- 3. Don't crossbreed cattle of diverse species
- 4. Don't work with cattle of diverse species together
- 5. Don't wear garments woven of diverse species (wool and linen)
Section II - Laws of Gifts to the Poor [13 Mitzvot]
- 1. Leave an unreaped corner of the field
- 2. Don't reap this corner
- 3. Leave the gleanings
- 4. Don't gather the gleanings
- 5. Leave gleanings in the vineyard
- 6. Don't gather the gleanings in the vineyard
- 7. Leave the tiny clusters of the vineyard
- 8. Don't gather the tiny clusters of the vineyard
- 9. Leave the forgotten sheaf
- 10. Don't turn back to take the forgotten sheaf
- 11. Set aside tithe for the poor
- 12. Give charity according to your means
- 13. Don't harden your heart towards the poor
Section III - Law of Trumah [8 Mitzvot]
- 1. Set aside the Trumah (for the priest)
- 2. Set aside (the Levite) the Trumah from the Ma'aser
- 3. Don't set aside the Trumah Ma'aser tithes out of order
- 4. Don't - a non-priest - eat Trumah
- 5. Don't - a non-pries - eat Trumah even if he is his Hebrew bondsman
- 6. Don't - an uncircumcised priest - eat Trumah
- 7. Don't - an unclean priest - eat Trumah
- 8. Don't - a Chalalah - eat Trumah or from sacrificial portions
Section IV - Laws of Tithes [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Set aside the first tithe of the produce every year and give it to the Levites
Section V - Laws of Second Tithes and Fruit of Fourth Year from Planting [9 Mitzvot]
- 1. Set aside a second tithe
- 2. Don't spend the redemption money on anything but food, drink, ointment
- 3. Don't eat the second tithe while unclean
- 4. Don't eat it as Onan (first day following death of relative)
- 5. Don't eat second tithe of grain outside of Jerusalem
- 6. Don't eat second tithe of vintage outside of Jerusalem
- 7. Don't eat second tithe of oil outside of Jerusalem
- 8. Eat the fruits of the Fourth Year in Jerusalem
- 9. Recite the confession of tithes in 4th and 7th years
Section VI - Laws of First Fruits and other gifts to Priests beyond the Sanctuary [9 Mitzvot]
- 1. Set aside first fruits and bring to Sanctuary
- 2. Don't - Priests - eat first fruits outside Jerusalem
- 3. Read a declaration when presenting first fruits
- 4. Set apart a gift from dough for the priest
- 5. Give shoulder, two cheeks and stomach of slaughtered animal to the priest
- 6. Give to the priest the first fleece
- 7. Redeem the first born (if a son) and give redemption money to the priest
- 8. Redeem first born of an ass by giving lamb to priest
- 9. Behead firstborn of ass if refuses to redeem it
Section VII - Laws of Sabbatical Year and Year of Jubilee [22 Mitzvot]
- 1. See that land rests in Sabbatical Year
- 2. Don't do agricultural work that year
- 3. Don't do arboricultural work that year (trees)
- 4. Don't cut, in regular fashion, the aftermath that grows by itself
- 5. Don't gather fruit of untended trees
- 6. Leave what the land produces free to all
- 7. Release all loans
- 8. Don't press debtor
- 9. Don't refrain from making loans before the Sabbatical year
- 10. Count (Sanhedrin) the years by sevens
- 11. Declare (Sanhedrin) the fiftieth year holy
- 12. Sound the Shofar on the 10th of Tishrei
- 13. Don't till the soil in that year
- 14. Don't cut, in regular fashion, the aftermath which grows by itself
- 15. Don't gather the fruits of the untended trees that year
- 16. Carry out redemption of sold fields that year
- 17. Don't cause the land to be sold in perpetuity
- 18. Carry out law concerning houses in walled cities
- 19. Don't give Tribe of Levi regular portion of land
- 20. Don't let Tribe of Levi share in spoils of war
- 21. Give Levites cities and their suburbs to dwell in
- 22. Don't cause the houses and suburbs of their cities to be sold in perpetuity
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK VIII DIVINE SERVICE (IN SANCTUARY) The Sanctuary, how it is to be built, who serves in it and the nature of the service. 9 Sections, 103 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws Concerning the Sanctuary [6 Mitzvot]
- 1. Erect a Sanctuary
- 2. Don't build altar of hewn stones
- 3. Don't ascend the altar with stairs
- 4. Show reverence for the Sanctuary
- 5. Keep a guard about the Sanctuary
- 6. Don't leave the Sanctuary unguarded
Section II - Laws which deal with the Vessels in the Sanctuary and those who serve in it [14 Mitzvot]
- 1. Prepare the oil of anointment
- 2. Don't make this same oil for secular use
- 3. Don't anoint a human with it
- 4. Don't prepare spice mixture like Sanctuary incense
- 5. Don't offer anything but incense on the Golden Altar
- 6. Bear the Ark on the shoulder during transport
- 7. Don't remove staves from Ark
- 8. Serve (The Levites) in the Sanctuary
- 9. Don't (Priests and Levites) do the work of another in the Sanctuary
- 10. Consecrate the priest for the service
- 11. See that all priestly divisions share equally in service and sacrifices on festivals
- 12. Put on priestly vestments for the service
- 13. Don't rend the priestly vestments
- 14. Don't loose the breast plate from the Ephod
Section III - Laws Concerning Admission into the Sanctuary [15 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't (Priest) enter Sanctuary while intoxicated
- 2. Don't (Priest) enter with over-long hair
- 3. Don't (Priest) enter with torn garments
- 4. Don't enter the innermost Sanctuary at all times
- 5. Don't leave the Sanctuary during service
- 6. Send the ritually unclean out of the Sanctuary
- 7. Don't (unclean man) enter the Sanctuary
- 8. Don't (unclean man) enter the Temple Mount
- 9. Don't (unclean Priest) participate in the service
- 10. Don't (unclean Priest) participate even after immersion until sundown
- 11. Sanctify your hands and feet by washing before serving in Sanctuary
- 12. Don't (a person with a physical blemish) enter the Sanctuary nor approach the Altar
- 13. Don't (a person with a passing physical blemish) take part in the service
- 14. Don't (a person with a passing physical blemish) take part in the service
- 15. Don't (a stranger not descended from Aaron) take part in the service
Section IV - Laws Concerning Restrictions in regard to Sacrifices on the Altar [14 Mitzvot]
- 1. Offer only unblemished cattle
- 2. Don't consecrate a blemished animal for the Altar
- 3. Don't slaughter it for the Altar
- 4. Don't sprinkle its blood on Altar
- 5. Don't burn its fat on Altar
- 6. Don't offer an animal with a passing blemish
- 7. Don't inflict a blemish on cattle consecrated for Altar
- 8. Don't inflict a blemish on cattle consecrated for Altar
- 9. Redeem cattle consecrated for Altar and subsequently disqualified
- 10. Offer an animal as sacrifice only from its eighth day on
- 11. Don't offer as sacrifice the hire of the harlot or "price of the dog"
- 12. Don't burn on the Altar leaven of honey
- 13. Salt all sacrifices
- 14. Don't omit seasoning all sacrifices with salt
Section V - Laws Concerning the Procedure of Sacrifices [23 Mitzvot]
- 1. In offering Burnt Offering observe the procedure prescribed in Torah
- 2. Don't eat flesh of Burnt Offerings
- 3. Observe procedure of Sin Offering
- 4. Don't eat flesh of innermost Sin Offering
- 5. Don't divide asunder the fowl brought as a Sin Offering
- 6. Observe procedure of the Trespass Offering
- 7. Eat (the priests) the flesh of the holiest sacrifices within the Sanctuary
- 8. Don't eat them outside the Courtyard of the Sanctuary
- 9. Don't (a stranger) eat any portion of the holiest sacrifices
- 10. Observe the procedure of the Peace Offering
- 11. Don't eat the flesh of the offerings before their blood has been sprinkled (on the Altar)
- 12. In offering a meal offering observe the procedure prescribed in Torah
- 13. Don't put oil in a Sin Offering
- 14. Don't put frankincense on it
- 15. Don't eat the meal offering of a priest
- 16. Don't bake a leavened meal offering
- 17. Eat (the priests) the rest of meal offering after handful offered on Altar
- 18. Fulfill all your vows and bring your free-will offering on the first Festival following the vow
- 19. Don't delay in fulfilling your vows or offerings
- 20. Offer all Sacrifices in the chosen Sanctuary
- 21. Bring all hallowed things from abroad to the chosen Sanctuary
- 22. Don't slaughter sacrifices outside the Sanctuary Courtyard
- 23. Don't offer up a sacrifice outside the Sanctuary Courtyard
Section VI - Laws Concerning the Daily Offerings and Additional Offerings [19 Mitzvot]
- 1. Offer daily two lambs as Burnt Offerings
- 2. Kindle the fire upon the Altar daily
- 3. Don't extinguish it
- 4. Remove the ashes daily
- 5. Burn incense daily
- 6. Light lamps of Menorah daily
- 7. Offer (the High Priest) a Meal Offering daily
- 8. Offer an additional two lambs as Burnt Offerings on the Sabbath
- 9. Prepare the show-bread
- 10. Offer the Additional Sacrifices of Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)
- 11. Offer the Additional Sacrifices of Passover
- 12. Offer the Omer as a wave offering
- 13. Count (everyone) seven weeks from when Omer brought
- 14. Offer Additional Sacrifice on the Feast of Shavuos
- 15. Bring two loaves of bread in addition to sacrifices on Feast of Shavuos
- 16. Offer Additional Sacrifices for Rashi Hashana
- 17. Offer Additional offering on Yom Kippur
- 18. Offer Additional Sacrifices on the Feast of Succos
- 19. Offer Additional Sacrifices on the Feast of Shmini Atzeres
Section VII - Laws Concerning Sacrifices that Have Become Unfit [8 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't eat offerings that have become unfit or blemished
- 2. Don't eat of an offering that is pigul (improper thought of priest during offering)
- 3. Don't leave the offerings beyond time for consumption
- 4. Don't eat what has been left over
- 5. Don't eat sacrifices that have become unclean
- 6. Don't eat sacrifices if you are unclean
- 7. Burn that which has been left over
- 8. Burn that which is unclean
Section VIII - Laws Concerning the Sanctuary Service on Yom Kippur [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Do the entire order of Yom Kippur Service
Section IX - Laws Concerning Misuse of Sacred Property [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. The one guilty of misuse shall pay the value of what he has taken, add a fifth and bring an offering
- 2. Don't work with cattle set apart for sacrifice
- 3. Don't shear the fleece of such cattle
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK IX SACRIFICES The sacrifices brought on holidays and as atonement for sins. 6 Sections, 39 mitzvos
Section I - Laws of the Paschal Offering [16 Mitzvot]
- 1. Slaughter Paschal Offering at appointed time (14 Nissan)
- 2. Don't slaughter it until leaven is removed from home
- 3. Don't let fat remain unoffered overnight
- 4. Slaughter the Second Paschal Offering (14 Iyar)
- 5. Eat flesh of Paschal Offering with herbs and Matzah on the eve of Passover
- 6. Eat flesh of Second Paschal offering on the eve of 15 Iyar
- 7. Don't eat it half-broiled or broiled
- 8. Don't take the flesh of the Paschal Offering outside the place of assembly of the company
- 9. Don't eat of the Paschal lamb if you are an apostate
- 10. Don't allow it to be eaten even by a non-Jew who has left idolatry and been circumcised
- 11. Don't eat of it if you are uncircumcised
- 12. Don't break a bone of it
- 13. Don't break a bone of the Second Paschal Offering
- 14. Don't leave any till morning
- 15. Don't leave any of the Second Paschal Offering till morning
- 16. Don't leave flesh of the Festival Offering of the 14th day of Nissan to the 3rd day
Section II - Laws Concerning the Celebration of the Festival [6 Mitzvot]
- 1. Appear before the L-rd (with a Burnt Offering) three times a year
- 2. Celebrate the three festivals (with Peace Offerings)
- 3. Rejoice on the festivals (with Peace Offerings)
- 4. Don't appear before the L-rd empty handed on these Festivals
- 5. Don't neglect to bring joy to the Levite and give him due gifts on the Holiday
- 6. Assemble the people on the Feast of Succos following the Sabbatical Year
Section III - Laws of the first Born [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. Set apart the first born of cattle
- 2. Don't eat an unblemished first born outside of Jerusalem
- 3. Don't redeem the first born (of clean cattle)
- 4. Set apart tithe of the young of the clean cattle
- 5. Don't redeem tithe of cattle
Section IV - Laws Concerning Offerings Brought for Transgressions Committed in Error [5 Mitzvot]
- 1. One who sinned shall bring a definite Sin Offering
- 2. One who is uncertain of sinning shall bring a Trespass Offering (and a Sin Offering upon ascertainment)
- 3. For certain specified transgressions the sinner shall bring a Trespass Offering
- 4. For other specified transgressions he shall bring an offering according to his means
- 5. The Sanhedrin shall bring an offering if they erred in giving a decision of a serious transgression
Section V - Laws Concerning Unclean Ones who Have to Bring Sacrifices as an Atonement [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. A woman who has a running issue shall bring an offering when she becomes clean
- 2. A woman after child-birth shall bring an offering when she is clean
- 3. A man who has a running issue shall bring an offering after he is clean
- 4. A leper shall bring an offering after he becomes clean
Section VI - Laws Concerning Substitution of Sacrifices [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't substitute another beast for one set apart for Sacrifice
- 2. If a substitute is made, the new beast must also be holy
- 3. Don't switch things that are consecrated from one category to another
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK X PURITY All the causes of defilement and the requirements for purification. 8 Sections, 20 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws Concerning Defilement by a Dead Body [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Carry out laws of defilement by the dead
Section II - Laws Concerning the Red Heifer [2 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out laws concerning the Red Heifer
- 2. Carry out laws concerning the uncleanliness of waters of sprinkling and the manner in which they must be used for purification
Section III - Laws Concerning the Uncleanliness of Leprosy [8 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out the law of leprosy of a man according the Torah rules
- 2. Don't cut away marks pointing to uncleanliness
- 3. Don't shave the scall (leprosy of head or beard)
- 4. A leper shall rend his garments, allow his hair to go loose and cover his lips
- 5. Carry out prescribed rules for cleansing of leprosy
- 6. A leper shall shave all his hair when he becomes clean
- 7. Carry out the law of leprosy of a garment
- 8. Carry out the law of leprosy of a house
Section IV - Laws Concerning Defilement of a Couch or Seat [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out the law of defilement of a menstruous woman
- 2. Carry out the law of defilement of a woman after childbirth
- 3. Carry out the law of defilement of a woman with a running issue
- 4. Carry out the law of defilement of a man with a running issue
Section V - Laws of Other Original Sources of Defilement [3 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out the law of defilement of that beast which died of itself
- 2. Carry out the law of defilement of creeping things]
- 3. Carry out the law of defilement of seminal issue
Section VI - Laws of Defilement of Food [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Carry out laws relating to defilement of food and drink
Section VII - Laws Concerning Ritual Baths [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Every unclean person should immerse himself in a ritual bath in order to become clean
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK XI INJURIES The laws of compensation for damages and theft, returning lost property, murder, and the preservation of life. 5 Sections, 36 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws Concerning Damages to Property [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out law concerning the goring ox
- 2. Carry out law concerning trespass cattle
- 3. Carry out law concerning damages by a pit
- 4. Carry out law concerning damages by fire
Section II - Laws Concerning Theft [7 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't steal anything of pecuniary value
- 2. Carry out law concerning the thief (his obligations)
- 3. Ensure correct scales and weights
- 4. Don't commit injustice in respect to measures and weights
- 5. Don't have in your possession a double standard of weights or measures
- 6. Don't remove a landmark (to rob property)
- 7. Don't kidnap
Section III - Laws Concerning Robbery and Concerning Things Lost [7 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't rob
- 2. Don't withhold wages or debt owed
- 3. Don't covet (and take action for acquiring)
- 4. Don't desire another's possessions
- 5. Restore what has been robbed
- 6. Don't pass by a lost object to ignore it
- 7. Restore lost property
Section IV - Laws Concerning One Who Commits an Injury to Person or Property [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Carry out laws of personal or property damage
Section V - Laws Concerning Murder and the Preservation of Human Life [17 Mitzvot]
- 1. Don't commit murder
- 2. Don't accept ransom for life of the murderer
- 3. Exile an accidental murderer
- 4. Don't accept ransom from him
- 5. Don't kill the murderer before trying him
- 6. Save the pursued at the cost of the life of the pursuer
- 7. Don't show pity for the pursuer
- 8. Don't stand idly by when you can save a life
- 9. Set aside cities of refuge for those who commit accidental homicide
- 10. Break the neck of the calf by the river (in ritual following unsolved murder)
- 11. Don't till by that river or sow there
- 12. Don't cause loss of human life (through negligence)
- 13. Build a parapet (in roof of house)
- 14. Don't mislead with advice which is a stumbling block
- 15. Help a man remove the load from his beast which can no longer carry it
- 16. Help him load his beast
- 17. Don't leave him in a state of confusion and go on your way
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK XII ACQUISITION Commercial transactions, neighbors, and bondage. 5 Sections, 18 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws of Sale [18 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out law of purchase and sale
- 2. Don't do wrong in buying and selling
- 3. Don't do wrong with words - like reminding a repentant man of his sins
- 4. Don't wrong a proselyte in regard to his possessions
- 5. Don't wrong him with words
Section II - Laws of Acquisition of Derelict Property and Gifts
(Laws in regard to one who acquires derelict property and by what methods one acquires title to such property; and laws in regard to donor of gifts and recipient and kind of gift which reverts to original owner and which doesn't)Section III - Laws of Neighbors
(Laws of partnership divisions and removal of potential nuisances to neighbors)Section IV - Laws of Agents and Partners
(Laws of agency and partnership regarding their transactions, profits and losses)Section V - Laws of Bondmen [13 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out the laws of the acquisition of a Hebrew bondman
- 2. Don't sell his as a slave is sold
- 3. Don't force him to work rigorously
- 4. Don't allow a non-Jew to work him with rigor
- 5. Don't force him to do the menial work of a slave
- 6. Bestow upon him a liberal gift when he goes free
- 7. Don't send him away empty-handed
- 8. Redeem a Hebrew bondwoman
- 9. Espouse her (the master or his son)
- 10. Don't sell her if you don't espouse her
- 11. Keep a Canaanite slave in perpetual bondage (except if master injured his limbs)
- 12. Don't surrender a slave who fled from outside of Israel to Israel
- 13. Don't wrong such a slave
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK XIII JUDGMENTS Labor relations, renting and borrowing, and inheritance. Section I - Laws of Hiring [7 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out law of the man who rents and the depository for hire
- 2. Pay the hired wage the same day
- 3. Don't delay the wage after it is due
- 4. That the hired man may eat of agricultural produce at which he works
- 5. Don't eat from unsevered produce until work is completed
- 6. Don't take with you anything you don't consume
- 7. Don't muzzle an ox (or cattle) while it is doing agricultural work
Section II - Laws Concerning Borrowing an Article and Deposit [2 Mitzvot]
- 1. Carry out the law appertaining to a borrower
- 2. Carry out the law concerning a gratuitous depository
Section III - Laws Concerning Creditor and Debtor [12 Mitzvot]
- 1. Lend to the poor and needy
- 2. Don't press him for payment he doesn't have
- 3. Press the idolater
- 4. Don't (the creditor) take a pledge by force
- 5. Return the pledge to its owner when he is in need of it
- 6. Don't be tardy in returning it to him
- 7. Don't exact a pledge from a widow
- 8. Don't take utensils used in preparing food
- 9. Don't (the lender) give a loan at usury
- 10. Don't (the borrower) take a loan at usury
- 11. Don't act as intermediary in a loan at usury
- 12. Borrow from, and lend to an idolater at usury
Section IV - Laws of Plaintiff and Defendant [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Carry out laws of claims, admissions and denials
Section V - Laws of Inheritance [1 Mitzvah]
- 1. Carry out law regarding order of inheritance
[IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING THE MITZVOT] [OHR SOMAYACH HOME PAGE] [TOP]BOOK XIV JUDGES The judicial system, rabbinic and parental authority, mourning, kings, and wars. 5 Sections, 74 Mitzvot
Section I - Laws Concerning the Sanhedrin and the penalties within Their Jurisdiction [30 Mitzvot]
- 1. Appoint judges
- 2. Don't appoint a judge who does not know judicial procedure
- 3. Rule according to the majority (when judges differ)
- 4. Don't execute the accused if there is only a bare majority for conviction (a majority of two necessary)
- 5. Don't (in capital cases) present argument for conviction if you have presented a plea for acquittal
- 6. Put to death by stoning
- 7. Put to death be burning
- 8. Put to death by decapitation with sword
- 9. Put to death by strangling
- 10. Hang (those stoned for blasphemy or idolatry)
- 11. Bury the body on day of execution
- 12. Don't let the body remain overnight
- 13. Don't allow a sorcerer to live
- 14. Punish the wicked with stripes (for certain sins)
- 15. Don't exceed the number of (39) stripes in the Torah
- 16. Don't put the innocent to death on presumptuous testimony
- 17. Don't punish one who committed sin under duress
- 18. Don't show pity for one who slays another
- 19. Don't show compassion at a trial to a person who is poor
- 20. Don[t show respect at a trial to a great man
- 21. Don't decide the cause of a habitual transgressor unjustly
- 22. Don't pervert judgment
- 23. Don't pervert the judgment of a stranger or an orphan
- 24. Judge righteously
- 25. Don't be afraid at a trial of a man who is violent
- 26. Don't take a bribe
- 27. Don't receive a one-sided report
- 28. Don't curse judges
- 29. Don't curse prince (of state or Torah)
- 30. Don't curse any Jew who leads a worthy life
Section II - Laws of Testimony [8 Mitzvot]
- 1. Testify in court if you are in possession of evidence
- 2. Carefully interrogate the witnesses
- 3. Don't (in a capital case) act as a judge if you have given evidence
- 4. Don't make any ruling based on the testimony of only one witness
- 5. Don't accept a transgressor's testimony
- 6. Don't accept a relative's testimony
- 7. Don't testify falsely
- 8. Do unto an exposed false witness as he has plotted to do to accused
Section III - Laws Concerning the Rebellious [9 Mitzvot]
- 1. Act in accordance with the law of the Torah as the High Court declares it
- 2. Don't depart from rulings of this Court
- 3. Don't add to the Torah (Written Law or Oral interpretation)
- 4. Don't detract from the precepts
- 5. Don't curse your father or mother
- 6. Don't strike you father or mother
- 7. Honor your father and mother
- 8. Revere your father and mother
- 9. Don't rebel against the order of your father or mother
Section IV - Laws or Mourning [4 Mitzvot]
- 1. Mourn relatives (even Priest defiles himself for relatives)
- 2. Don't (High Priest) defile yourself through contact with deceased, even relatives
- 3. Don't (any Priest) be under same roof as deceased forbidden for contact
- 4. Don't (Ordinary Priest) defile yourself for anyone except relatives
Section V - Laws of Sovereigns and their Wars [23 Mitzvot]
- 1. Appoint a King
- 2. Don't appoint proselyte as king
- 3. Don't (King) have too many wives
- 4. Don't have too many horses
- 5. Don't have too much gold and silver
- 6. Destroy seven Canaanite nations
- 7. Don't let any one to them live
- 8. Blot out seed of Amalek
- 9. Remember what Amalek did to us
- 10. Don't forget his evil deeds
- 11. Don't reside permanently in Egypt
- 12. Offer terms of peace to inhabitants of besieged city
- 13. Don't offer peace to Ammon and Moab
- 14. Don't destroy fruit trees even during siege
- 15. Prepare place outside camp where soldiers can relieve themselves
- 16. Prepare a shovel to dig with
- 17. Anoint priest to speak to men in wartime
- 18. If a man takes a wife, builds a building, plants a vineyard - he should be deferred from service one year
- 19. Don't draft them for any purpose
- 20. Don't panic and retreat in battle
- 21. Act according to law of beautiful women taken captive in war
- 22. Don't sell this captive into slavery
- 23. Don't retain her in servitude after having relations with her