For the week ending 1 March 2008 / 24 Adar I 5768
An Echo of Equality
One of the unattractive features of human society is ethnic discrimination, and
Israel is hardly an exception.
The Torah view of equality finds expression in this week's Torah portion. In the very same sentence the two architects of the Mishkan Sanctuary are mentioned – Betzalel and Oholiav. The former is a member of the Tribe of Yehuda, one of the leading tribes, while the other is a member of the Tribe of Dan, which is descended from one of the handmaids whom Yaakov married. Rashi points out that this equating of the two is an expression of what Iyov (34:19) described as G-d not discriminating between the prosperous and the poor.
It is hoped that this will serve as an inspiration to all Jews in Israel to strive for an end to ethnic discrimination and thus develop a healthier Israel forever.