A Song of Sorrow and Hope
"They provoked Me with a non-god, angered Me with their vanities; so shall I provoke them with a non-people, with a vile nation shall I anger them." (Devarim 32:21)
These words from the Torah portion read on Shabbat Shuvah between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur seem to prophesy the current trouble caused by the recognition granted to the so-called "Palestinian People" by so much of the international community.
The song of Parshat Ha’azinu which Moshe spoke to his people just before his death is an encapsulated history of the Jewish people, its sins and its sufferings. It ends, however, on an encouraging note with G-d declaring "I shall return vengeance upon My enemies" and "will avenge the blood of His servants." (Devarim 32:41, 43)
In order to be worthy of this, we must take advantage of the "Days of Awe" by fully returning to G-d and thus securing Israel forever.