Seasons of the Moon - Av 5759
Ears aren't just for hearing. The inner ear is also
the center of balance. A series of fluid-filled canals oriented
at right angles to each other tell the brain which way and how
much you are turning. When you move your head, the relative motion
of the fluid in these canals changes. Yet another part of the
inner ear responds to the force of gravity and lets your brain
know the static position of your head.
Why should the mechanism of balance be located in
the ear? What, after all, do hearing and balance have in common?
Each of the twelve months of the Jewish year is
associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The month
of Av is associated with the tribe of Shimon. The name Shimon
comes from the same root in Hebrew as the word to hear - shema
- as in "Shema! Yisrael - Hear! O, Israel."
The shema is the basic credo of the Jew, his first declaration
of G-d's Unity, and the last words to leave his mouth when he
passes from this world. Why is it that we say "Hear!
O, Israel?" Why don't we say "Look! O, Israel?"
When the Jewish People stood at Sinai to receive
the Torah, they underwent an experience which was literally out
of this world. When G-d spoke, the Torah writes that the Jewish
People "saw the voices." There was a dislocation of
the natural perception of the senses. Kinesthesia. Seeing sound.
What does it mean to see sound?
Sight and sound are very different. Sight operates
instantaneously. We see through medium of light and light is
the fastest thing in the universe. It travels at 186,000 miles
per second. Sound is relatively slow, moving at about 800 miles
an hour.
The difference between the speeds of light and
sound symbolizes a fundamental difference between the two. Sight
perceives a complete whole instantaneously. When we look at something,
we perceive it at once as a complete entity. After this first
sight, we may analyze what we are looking at in more detail, focusing
on one element and then another, but the essence of vision is
an instant whole.
Sound, however, is always perceived as montage,
a collage of different elements. We order these separate pieces
of information to give them substance and definition, so that
we may understand what it is we are hearing. This process of
assembly is not instant. Our brain takes time to balance and
evaluate what we are hearing.
One of the most remarkable things about listening
to a tape recording of, say, a lecture, is how much distracting
ambient noise there seems to be on the tape. When you listen
to the lecturer in person, you aren't aware of the constant drone
of the traffic in the background, the noise of the fans and the
air-conditioner. However, when you listen to a tape, those extraneous
sounds vie for your attention. The tape recorder is not the human
ear. The tape recorder is an indiscriminate "vacuum cleaner"
of reality. The human ear, however, takes the elements of what
is available and it "hears" - it discriminates and balances.
This world is like an assembly line. The Hebrew
word for "world" is olam which means "hidden."
You don't see G-d in this world. He is hidden behind the facade
of the world. You can't see G-d in this world - but you can
hear Him. If you tune your ears carefully, you can hear an
unmistakable pattern in events. If you listen carefully to the
un-historical history of the Jewish People, and weigh it in the
balance of probability, you will hear G-d's Voice. If you listen
to all the seemingly coincidental events in your life, you will
hear Him. Everyone has experienced "co-incidence."
Really, co-incidence is Kah (one of G-d's names) inside-ence
- G-d shaping events to bring everything to the correct time
and place of its fulfillment.
The reason we say "Hear! O Israel" is
that, in this world, you cannot see G-d. You have to take the
disparate, seemingly random elements of this world, and assemble
them into a cogent whole. To sense the Oneness of G-d, a Jew
declares twice a day: "Hear O Israel! Hashem our G-d, Hashem
is One." You have to hear it. Because you cannot
see it. Not in this world. In this world, you have to balance
and assemble. You have to hear.
There was only one time in history that you didn't
have to hear in order to perceive G-d; one moment when you could
actually see G-d's Unity. At Mount Sinai. There the Jewish
People "saw" the voices. They saw with an incontrovertible
clarity those things that usually need to be "heard."
Seeing is more than believing. When you see, you don't have
to believe. It's in front of your eyes.
One of music's exquisite pleasures is the great
variety of feelings conveyed by the blending of the instruments.
The sound of brass combined with strings is unique. It doesn't
sound like either of them. Similarly, the exact emotion a chord
conveys depends on the balance and inversion of its constituent
notes. Music is the art of sound. Music depends on balance.
Maybe this is the connection between the ear's double function
as the organ of hearing and the center of balance. Accurate hearing
itself depends on "balance," on being able to assemble,
judge and formulate a world of sound.
Just as balance is the keystone of sound, similarly
to hear G-d in the world we have to balance, to order and to evaluate
all the information from our senses.
There are many human failings which cause imbalance
and the inability to "hear" G-d's voice. One of the
most lethal enemies of balance is pride. The month of Av is related
to the element of Fire. Fire, like pride seeks to rule at all
costs. Fire isn't interested in balance. It strives always to
ascend. It doesn't mind what it consumes in its path, in its
single-minded desire to ascend, to get to the top. That's the
nature of pride. The visual symbol of the month of Av is the
Lion. The Lion, the king of beasts, seeks to rule at all costs.
We talk of a "pride" of lions.
The month of Av is a time of great tragedy for the
Jewish People. It was on the ninth of Av that the first transports
to the gas chambers of Treblinka started to roll. On the ninth
of Av, the First World War broke out. And on August 2nd, 1492,
the ninth of Av, the Jews were expelled from Spain. Spain was
to be Judenrein. It was on the ninth of Av that both the
Holy Temples were destroyed* and on the ninth of Av in the first
year after the Exodus, the spies brought back a negative report
about the Land of Israel. This was the root cause of all the
tragedies that were to follow.
The sin of the spies, the seminal cause of thousands
of years of tragedy, was rooted in pride. Pride which blinded
the eyes of the spies to reality. However, the spies could never
have caused such damage if the ears of the people were not open
to hear their slander. The Jewish People opened their ears to
the lies of the spies and panicked. The first casualty of panic
is usually balance. When we panic, we can no longer assemble
reality correctly. All our actions become reactions to fear.
We succumb to the cacophony and the confusion of the mob.
If we want to "hear" G-d's voice in the
world, if we want to piece together the silent symphony of truth,
our ears must be free of the poison of slander. This time of
the year is propitious to correct the fault of listening to slander
and corrupted speech. If we use our ears properly, we will hear
the sounds of redemption calling. They are not far away.
When the Sounds of Silence
Hear / Say
Seeing Sound
Assembling Sound, Assembling Reality
World Assembly
The Art Of Sound
The Pride Of The Lion
In The Balance
The Silent Symphony
steal your ears once more
and a million memories
batter and leave you
on the floor -
Look up and see
the still small voice
playing still
The Silent Symphony.
SEASONS OF THE MOON is written by Rabbi
Yaakov Asher Sinclair and edited by Rabbi
Moshe Newman.
Designed and Produced by the Office of Communications - Rabbi
Eliezer Shapiro, Director
Production Design: Eli Ballon
© 1999 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved. This publication
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