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by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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The Torah and the Land
The Jerusalem "Shuk"
Plenty of Room
Food for Thought
Kibbutz Kalyah
Kerem Maharal
A Presidential Moshav
The Ramban Report
Yaakov and the Foundation Stone
Shimon Hatzadik
A Measure (for Measure) of Salt
The Choice: Wealth or Land?
The Arizal and the Brit Milah
The Land’s Shidduch
Sir Montefiore and Rachel’s Tomb
Mount Tavor
By the Rivers of Babylon
A Lesson for Guests
Rabbi Meir and Miracles
A Minyan in Hebron
Our Homeland
Rav Kahaneman: Building Up Eretz Yisrael
King David’s Clothing
The Torah and the Land
Meron and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
Four Names for One Mountain
Pesach and the Grain of Knowledge
The First Yeshiva
Walled Cities on Purim
Ezra the Sofer (Scribe) and Israel
Yad Vashem
Shimon Hatzadik Meets Alexander
Standing in the Gates of Jerusalem
The Grape that Gladdens
Metzada and the Italian Tourists
The Fig’s Message
Rabbi Akiva’s Parable
No Complaints about the Weather
Maccabee — A Name and a Battle Cry
Maccabees in Modi’in
Rabbi Yossi
Oil-Rich Olive - Promise of the Future
Wheat � The Food of Knowledge
Seven Species
How They Represent Eretz Yisrael
Terumah and Ma'aser and Earthquakes
Ophraim - The Original "Coals to Newcastle"
Who Needs Peace?
Three Versions of a Name
A Life Saved Twice Over
Fireflies of Tsefat
A Groom to the Rescue
The Grave That Was Saved
A Heavenly Sign
The Despot's Dream
The Day that the Rains Came
The Dead Sea Beginnings
Point of No Return
Safe from the Flood
The Land of Ideal Climate
The Land Worth Rushing For
Shomron - The Mountain of Shemer
Beersheba - A Spring and an Oath
Tel Aviv- The Gateway to Eretz Yisrael
Eretz Avoteinu - The Land of our Fathers
The Land That Has Everything
The Good Land
The First Land
The Peaceful Land
Land of the Perfect Match
Kiryat Sefer - The City of the Book
Teveriya - A Beautiful Sight
Motza - The Tax-Free Willow Source
Rechovot - Room for All
Haifa - The Beautiful Coast
Yerushalayim Service, Peace and Perfection
Moledet - The Homeland
Eretz Tova - A Good Land
Eretz Rechava - A Spacious Land
The Dear and Cherished Land
Eretz Tzvi - The Expanding Land
Matana Tova � The Good Land
Eretz Hachayim - Land of the Living
Nachalat Tzvi - Land of the Deer
Eretz Chitah... U�dvash - A Land of Wheat... of Honey and Oil
Eretz Chemda - A Pleasant Land
Eretz Zavat Chalav U�dvash - A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey
Eretz Hamuvtachat - The Promised Land
Yaakov - A Fair Division
Adam Head Material
Aviah Son of Yeravam � One in a Family
A Comforting Thought for the Three Weeks
A Reason for Aliya
Room for Everyone
Lovers of the Land
The Wiser Sages
Nechemiya - The Great Fortifier
Ezra - The Foundation of Aliya
Rabbi Meir - The Master of the Miracle
Mamrei - The Faithful Ally
Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai - Savior of the Sanhedrin
Sancheriv - A Title for a Tribute
Shimon Hatzaddik � The Mysterious Vision
Navot the Yizre�elite � The Voice that Failed
Nikanor and the Miracle Gates
Rabbi Gedaliah � Where Strangers Tread
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman � The Historic Report
Parveh � Not So Neutral
Rabbi Zeira � No Time to Wait
The Sage Rami bar Yechezkel � Milk and Honey
Uziyahu � The Freed King
Nissan Beck and the Emperor � The Dome that Bowed
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (The ARY) � The Delayed Brit
Rabbi Cayim ben Atar � The Miracle of the Fig Tree
The Tenth Man � A Mysterious Guest
Sultan Salim � Uncovering the Western Wall
Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi � No Complaints About the Weather
Omri � The Power Behind the Throne
Yonah � The Prophet of No Escape
Elisha � The Perfect Guest
Shlomo � The First Use of Wisdom
Land of the Pelishtim
Beer-lechai-roi – A Special Well
Eilonei Mamrei - Circumcision and Revelation
Shechem � The First Stop
Israel - The Pleasant and Good Land
Ayelet Hashachar � Tale of a Name
Wadi Ara � Echoes of the Past
The Transplanted Synagogue
Yarkon River
The "Seven Towns" Transplanted
Talpiot � From Camp to Community
Alot Haneshek - The Ancient Armory
Maaleh Adumim � Setting the Record Straight
Ramat Shlomo � The Eye of the Storm
Kadoori � The Man, the Gift and the School
Ma�aleh Adumim � A Bloody Past
Churvat Yehuda Hachassid
Carmiel � House of the Vineyard
Kerem Maharal � Tribute to a Torah Giant
Meron � The Holy Haircut
Kinneret � A Sea of Many Names
Givat Shaul � Gateway to Jerusalem
The Sargel Highway
Ashkelon � Home of the Red Cow
Kefar Hamesubim
Elah Valley � An Archeological Treasure
Tsefat � The Great Earthquake
Kefar Blum � Tribute to a Prisoner
Dome of Accounts
Kefar Piness � "Lovers of Zion"
Kefar Bin-Nun � Tribute to a Conqueror
Shechem � A Purchase and a Plot
Kefar Truman � Tribute to a Friend
Maccabee � A Name and Battle Cry
Kefar Saba � Old and New
Migdal and the Menorah
The Judean Hills and the Bar Kochba Rebellion
Cave of Machpelah
Har Habayit � Treeless Mountain
Two Mountains � One Message
The Original Olive Leaf
Mayan Hashiloach � A Popular Tashlich Site
The Jordanian Border
Tsefat � The Abuhav Synagogue
Antipatrus � The Great Confrontation
Miriam's Spring
Meggido � the Great Battleground
Emek Rephaim � Valley of the Giants
Chatzor Ha-Gelilit � Tomb of the Circle Maker
Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue
Tale of Two Synagogues
Tsefat � Synagogue of the Holy Alshech
The Mezuzah-less Gates of Jerusalem
Ein Eitam � Sacred Spring
Tel Dan and the Kinneret Sources
Yerushalayim � Eternal Capital of Israel
Gilgal, Shiloh, Nov and Givon � Sites of Sacrifice
Mount Sartova � A Rosh Chodesh Signal
Har Hamishcha � Where the Red Cow was Burned
Tveriah � A Purim Dilemma
Tzipori � City of the Past
Lishkat Hagazit � Seat of the Sanhedrin
Yarcha � Tomb of King David's Secret Agent
Tsefat � Tomb of Binyamin Hatzadik
Shefaram � the Ancient Synagogue
Beit Hachofshet
Jerusalem � A Final Destination
Machpela Cave � A Second Purchase
Yad Vashem � A Memory and a Warning
Eshtaol � Echoes of Shimshon
Shechem - Fulfillment of a Wish
The Need for Patience
Tsefat - The Oldest Yeshiva
Tsefat - Tomb of the "White Tzaddik"
Alma - Tomb of Rabbi Yehuda Bein Teima
David's Citadel - A Misnomer
Batei Rand � A Sacred, Safe Neighborhood
Even Shatiyah � Where It All Began
Beit Lechem � A Rosh Hashana Echo
Yerushalayim � The Bikurim Parade
Netivot � Tomb of the Baba Sali
Har Habayit � A Tisha B'Av Reminder
The Churva � An Arch for Remembering
The East Bank of the Jordan
A Cue for the President?
Stones of the Kotel
Nabi Samuel � Tomb of the Prophet
Kfar Saba � Tomb of Binyamin
Ariel � Tomb of a Faithful Spy
Yad Avshalom � Monument or Hand?
Rambam - Legend of a Burial
Gate of Chulda � Monuments to a Prophetess
Ein Zeitim � Tomb of Rabbi Kruspedai
Peki'in � A Legendary Cave
Shazur � Tomb of a Tanna
Gilgal � A Memory and a Hope
Gush Chalav � Tomb of Akdamut Author
Silwan Tunnel � Tomb of Bartenura
A Miracle Without Hallel
Timnat Serach (Cheress) � Amalek's Conqueror
Tveria Hot Springs � Tomb of Rabbi Yirmiyahu
Mash'had � Tomb of Prophet Yonah
Kerem Ben Zimra - Named for a Sage
Har Hazeitim � Tomb of Prophet Zechariah
The Windless Windmill
The First Jewish Hospitals in Jerusalem
Zion Gate � The Big Key
Chatzor Ha-Gelilit � Tomb of the Circle Marker
Tombs of the Sanhedrin
Where Those Stone Came From
The Sewers of Ancient Jerusalem
Nechemiah's Wall
Oil from the Mount of Olives
Tomb of the Maccabees
Shechem � Tomb of Yosef
Alma- Tomb of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah
Tel Rechov � Bee Honey in the Land of Milk and Honey
Amuka � Search for a Soul-mate
The Cave and its Owners
Avnit � The Ten Sons of the Siyum
The Original Aliya
Where It All Began
The Siloam Spring
Sha�ar Harachamim � The Sealed Gate
Goren Aravna � Beginning of the Beit Hamikdash
Naburia � Tomb of Rabbi Eleazar Ha-Modai
Avnit � Tomb of Rav Chisda
Rachel's Tomb and a Great Benefactor
Al Kiyumi � Tomb of the Rabbi Yosi of Yokerat
Cheftzibah - Home of the Magnificent Mosaic
Dalton � Tomb of the Galilee Sage
Yarcha � Tomb of a Loyal Hero
Biriyah � Tombs of the Great
Kfar Chananiah (Anan) � Tomb or Tribute?
Bar'am � Tomb of Prophet Ovadiah
The Cave of Tzidkiyahu
Tomb of Shimon Hatzadik
Tombs of the Sanhedrin
Life from the Dead Sea � Yam Hamelech
A Building for the Hereafter
The "Chosh" � For a Sack of Rice
The "Armenian Quarter" of East Jerusalem
Bnei Ayish � The Hebrew Heart
Kefar Haroeh � Tribute to a Visionary
Beror Chayil � The Secret Signal
Ohr Akiva � Echo of Martyrdom
Kfar HaRYF � The North African Connection
Yad Rambam � A Name with Two Meanings
Tale of 43rd Street
Kibbutz Kalyah � Two Meanings of a Name
The Tomb of the Maccabees
Modi'in � Fortress of the Hasmoneans
One Kibbutz � Three Springs
One Mountain, Four Names
Kerem MaHaRaL � Moreinu Harav Livo
Bnei R'AiM � Rabbi Avraham Mordechai
The Fox and the Fish
�G-d of Meir, Answer Me�
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi
Rabbi Meir
Parshat Devarim
Rabbi Eliezer Hakapar
Rabbi Nahoroi
Rabbi Yishmael
Ben Zoma
Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah
Pirkei Avot
Rabbi Chanina ben Tradyon
Tiferet Yisrael
Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenura
Rebbi Natan
Rabbeinu Yonah
Tiferet Yisrael
Rav Ovadia of Bartenura
Date - The Honey-filled Symbol of the Righteous
Pomegranate - Symbol of Righteousness
Fig - The Torah Symbol
Grape - The Fruit of Joy
Barley - The Secondary Grain
Wheat -The Food of Knowledge
Peah and Leket
Maaser Sheini
How the Kotel Remained
How the Stone Reached Yerushalayim
The Special Siyum
Comfort for a Widow
Unraveling Strings Attached
Self-Interest vs. National Interest
Replacing Hate With Love
Made for Each Other
Yom Yerushalayim
The Stone Test
Building A City
Mikveh of the Aryzal
"Arab" to the Rescue
In Pursuit of an Apple
"I Have No Other Father"
Anniversary of a Modern Legend
Another Look at Massada
Where the Beit Hamikdash Stones Landed
What Alexander the Great Saw
The Masada that Almost Was
Pillar of Humility
Tailor Made for Jerusalem
How the Wall Was Uncovered
The Stone that Returned
Wine and Blood
The Answered Prayers
The Mission of a Mountain
The Pillar of Salt
The Secret Entrance
Sing a Song?
Old-Fashioned Diplomacy
Road to Reward - The World to Come
Ma'arava - The Western Land
Tifrach - The Blossoming Land
Medinat Yisrael The State of Israel
Motza The Tax-Free Arava Source
Beersheba A Spring and an Oath
Rechovot Room for All
Haifa The Beautiful Coast
Eretz Avoteinu Land of Our Fathers
The Land That Has Everything
Moledet The Homeland
Eretz Tova The Good Land
Eretz Rechavah The Spacious Land
The Dear and Cherished Land
Eretz Zvi The Expanding Land
Matana Tova The Good Gift
Eretz Hachayim Land of the Living
Nachalat Zvi Land of the Deer
Eretz Chitah... U'dvash - A Land of Wheat...of Olive Oil and Honey
Eretz Chemdah A Pleasant Land
Eretz Zavat Chalav Udvash Land of Milk and Honey
Eretz Hamuvtachat The Promised Land
Eretz Canaan
Yaakov A Fair Division
Adam Head Material
Aviah son of Yeravam One in a Family
A Reason for Aliya
Remembering Jerusalem in Sorrow and Joy
A Comforting Thought for the Three Weeks
Room for Everyone
Lovers of the Land
The Wiser Sages
Nechemiah The Great Fortifier
Ezra The Foundation of Aliya
Rabbi Meir The Master of the Miracle
Mamrei The Faithful Ally
Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai Savior of the Sanhedrin
Sancheriv A Title for a Tribute
Shimon Hatzadik The Mysterious Vision
Nevot the Yizre'elite The Voice that Failed
Nikanor and the Miracle Gates
Rabbi Gedaliah – Where Strangers Tread
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman - The Historic Report
Parveh Not So Neutral
Rabbi Zeira No Time to Wait
The Sage Rami bar Yechezkel Milk and Honey
Uziyahu The Freed King
Nissan Beck and the Emperor The Dome that Bowed
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (The ARY) The Delayed Brit
Rabbi Chayim ben Atar The Miracle of the Fig Tree
The Tenth Man A Mysterious Guest
Sultan Salim Uncovering the Western Wall
Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi No Complaints About the Weather
Rabbi Chanina A Lovers Stones
Mordechai Roofs and Shacks
Omri - The Power Behind the Throne
Yonah The Prophet of No Escape
Elisha The Charm of Your Place
Elisha The Perfect Guest
Shlomo The First Use of Wisdom
Shlomo A Source for Simchat Torah
Yoav - The General and the Wise Women
Yonatan - The Ideal Friend
David - The Gates of Jerusalem
David - The Dignity of Clothes
Saul - A Favor Repaid
Shmuel - Borrowed from Hashem
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