Perek Shira: The Song of the Snake « S P E C I A L S « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 8 July 2023 / 19 Tamuz 5783

Perek Shira: The Song of the Snake

by Rabbi Reuven Lauffer
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The Snake says: “Hashem supports all of the fallen and straightens all of the bent.”(Tehillim 145:14)

The snake is symbolic of evil and sin. Slithering and hissing, brandishing long venomous fangs and displaying its forked tongue, its very appearance suggests wickedness. Animals generally kill only what they can eat, whereas the snake kills creatures much too large for it to swallow. Despite its relatively small size, the snake kills more humans than does any other animal. The primordial snake brought down Man from his lofty, holy status, and almost destroyed the entire world. Hashem therefore diminished the snake with ten curses and cut off it legs, bringing it right down to the ground. Even so, He “supported its fall” and allowed it to continue to exist, and to certain extent, even to “straighten” itself and raise up its head. Moreover, its punishment brought it an element of blessing since the removal of its legs enabled it to slip through crevices and escape predators.

If even the snake, which brought destruction and misery to the world, merited Hashem’s mercy and support, all the more so should we seek to support the unfortunate of our nation. To this end we let the base tones of the world’s orchestra rise from the song of the fallen snake.

*Sour ces: Avos D’Rabbi Nassan Ch. 42; Metzudas David; Bereishis Rabbah 20:5

  • In loving memory of Harav Zeev Shlomo ben Zecharia Leib

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