Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Clouds
by Rabbi Shmuel Kraines
The clouds say: “He places darkness as His concealment, around Him is His shelter; darkness of water, clouds of the Heavens.” (Tehillim 18:12)
Clouds bear life-giving water. Paradoxically, the more water they contain, the darker and gloomier they are, blocking the rays of the sun. Rain itself is notoriously a nuisance. The reason behind this paradox is that darkness and discomfort are blessings in disguise. Were one to live a life free of discomfort, he would become spoiled and would never reach the heights of greatness and spiritual pleasure that Hashem created him to reach. The clouds sing that Hashem “places darkness as His concealment” in order to discipline and educate.
When a person goes through a struggle and clouds form above him, one thing can be known for sure: it is going to rain. A wise man knows how to see all of life for its potential and maintain happiness at all times.
*In loving memory of Harav Zeev Shlomo ben Zecharia Leib