Adar 5773 - February 2013 « Seasons of the Moon « Ohr Somayach

Seasons of the Moon

For the week ending 2 March 2013 / 19 Adar I 5773

Adar 5773 - February 2013

by Rabbi Nota Schiller
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Returning from Lakewood, I once again find the streets of Jerusalem filled with little kings, queens, brides and knights: erev Purim.

Overheard at the recent Lakewood JLE Mentor-Shabbaton:

“While your instructors and history books have taught that Washington DC is the capital of the United States, there is another ‘longer’ view. Longer going back and longer going forward. Our sources teach that Torah energizes the world. In fact, it was ‘The Blueprint’, the Creator’s ‘Architectural Plan’ for Creation. Inasmuch as there is more Torah learned per square inch/per capita in Lakewood, New Jersey than in any other place in the Diaspora, that would make Lakewood, New Jersey the capital of the Galut, North America, The United States.

Of course, Jerusalem is the capital of the world. Now if it seems audacious for a guest from Jerusalem to tell you the capital of the United States of America, I would counter that this 200-year country should be more malleable in that regard than our having someone from Washington DC come over to our 3,300 year-old capital and telling us it isn’t.”

Even post-Purim, when our children are no longer donned in royal garb and appear rather civilian, that guest’s words should be taken to heart. They are just masquerading. They are sons and daughters of the Davidic dynasty.

With esteem and Torah blessings.

Rabbi Nota Schiller

Rosh Yeshiva


Ohr Somayach Active on Campus in Israel

Since November 2012 we have been increasing our activity on campus in Israel. We have provided speakers for outreach programs working in IDC Herzliya, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan. The response from the students has been extremely positive. In addition we ran a Shabbaton for more than eighty people in Tel Aviv and a number of students participated in our Shabbatonim in Jerusalem and Tiberias.

Ski and Study Mission

Next month Ohr Somayach is branching out into new territory with a mentors’ Ski and Study Mission in Utah. Participants will be able to enjoy skiing in a world-class ski resort (situated a half-hour drive from Salt Lake City) as well as inspirational and entertaining programming. The weekend takes place from Thursday, March 7 to Sunday, March 10 at Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah. Mentors or students who would like more details or to book should contact Rabbi Binyomin Schlonblum: 908-216-4470 or [email protected]


The jInternship program continues to grow from strength to strength, attracting students who would not have otherwise come (or even dreamed of coming) on a straight yeshiva learning program due to the high competition in the present job market. The students are all of high calibre and are learning full-time for two months - together with trips and Shabbatonim. They will then work for two months, Monday to Thursday, and will be learning on Sundays, evenings and participating in Shabbatonim. We are currently planning two more four-month programs this summer, one starting in May, the other in August, as well as an eight-week post-Birthright program in June / July and a six week JLE London program in July / August. For further details please contact Rabbi Lubow – [email protected]

Alumni Update

Lakewood Shabbaton

Eighty seven students, the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Schiller along with other Ohr Somayach rebbeim and mentors from across North America met in Lakewood, NJ for the Ohr Somayach Mentor Missions Annual Lakewood Shabbaton in mid-February. The inspiration that the students, mentors and Lakewood community derived from the shabbaton is evident by the thank you phone calls and emails that the Lakewood office continues to receive.

Alumni visiting Ohr Somayach

As usual the winter months saw a number of alumni return to Israel and visit the yeshiva. Of particular note: Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz (senior lecturer @ JLE in London), Rabbi Jonny Ross (working in kiruv in Cape Town), Rabbi Zev Kahn (Director of JETin Chicago), Rabbi Jacob Rupp (working on Campus for JAM in LA), and Rabbi Binyomin Fogelgarn (Assistant Rabbi in Congregation Shaarei Tefilla in Melbourne). All spoke on the Yeshiva’s Rabbinic Training Program – Ohr Lagolah, sharing their expertise and experience.


A new sefer by Ohr Somayach and Ohr Lagolah alumnus Daniel Leeman joins the dozens of sefarim and books authored by former talmidim. "Revealing the Secret: Volume 2" shares thoughts on the Parshas in Shemos and Vayikra as well as on Purim, Pesach and other special days during this part of the year. If you have recently published a sefer and would like to share this with other alumni please email Rabbi Jacobs – [email protected]

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