Eruvin 37 - 43 « Talmud Tips « Ohr Somayach

Talmud Tips

For the week ending 13 April 2013 / 2 Iyyar 5773

Eruvin 37 - 43

by Rabbi Moshe Newman
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Rav Yehuda replied, “Even when I see a newly grown squash from this year’s crop I say the shehechiyanu beracha.”

This was the answer that the Sage gave to Raba when asked whether to say ‘shehechiyanu’ on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur since they occur periodically, or only on the Chagim but not on these days since they are not called “Regalim’.

Raba clarified that he was not asking whether it was permitted to say shehechiyanu — which is what Raba was teaching that it was — but rather whether there is an obligation to do so. After an in-depth discussion, the gemara rules that it is in fact an obligation to say shehechiyanu on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur as well (Aruch Chayim 619:1)

  • Eruvin 40b

"Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the Prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of G-d". (Malachi 3:23)

Our daf, which speaks about whether there is a prohibition of techumim above ten tefachim, ponders about possible days of the week when ‘ben David’ (Mashiach) would come. The gemara states, “The Jewish People have already been assured that Eliyahu will not come on the days immediately preceding Shabbatot or the days immediately preceding the Festivals because of the ‘bother’.”

What is this “bother”? Rashi explains that if Eliyahu were to come on these days on the eve of Shabbat or Yom Tov, the people would cease their Shabbat or Yom Tov preparations in order to greet Eliyahu, and this make it difficult to make sufficient preparations to honor these holy days.

  • Eruvin 43b

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