Parshat Tazria « Parsha Q&A « Ohr Somayach

Parsha Q&A

For the week ending 22 April 2023 / 1 Iyar 5783

Parshat Tazria

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  1. When does a woman who has given birth to a son go to the mikveh?
  2. After a woman gives birth, she is required to offer two types of offerings. Which are they?
  3. What animal does the woman offer as a chatat?
  4. Which of these offerings makes her tahor (ritual purity)?
  5. Which of the sacrifices does the woman offer first, the olah or the chatat?
  6. Who determines whether a person is a metzora tamei (person with ritually impure tzara'at) or is tahor?
  7. If the kohen sees that the tzara'at has spread after one week, how does he rule?
  8. What disqualifies a kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of tzara'at?
  9. Why is the appearance of tzara'at on the tip of one of the 24 "limbs" that project from the body usually unable to be examined?
  10. On which days is a kohen not permitted to give a ruling on tzara'at?
  11. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow (e.g., the head or beard), what color hair is indicative of ritual impurity?
  12. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow, what color hair is indicative of purity?
  13. If the kohen intentionally or unintentionally pronounces a tamei person "tahor," what is that person's status?
  14. What signs of mourning must a metzora display?
  15. Why must a metzora call out, "Tamei! Tamei! "?
  16. Where must a metzora dwell?
  17. Why is a metzora commanded to dwell in isolation?
  18. What sign denotes tzara'at in a garment?
  19. What must be done to a garment that has tzara'at?
  20. If after washing a garment the signs of tzara'at disappear entirely, how is the garment purified?

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.


  1. When does a woman who has given birth to a son go to the mikveh?
    12:2 - At the end of seven days.
  2. After a woman gives birth, she is required to offer two types of offerings. Which are they?
    12:6 - An olah and a chatat.
  3. What animal does the woman offer as a chatat?
    12:6 - A tor (turtle dove) or a ben yona (young pigeon).
  4. Which of these offerings makes her tahor (ritual purity)?
    12:7 - The chatat.
  5. Which of the sacrifices does the woman offer first, the olah or the chatat?
    12:8 - The chatat.
  6. Who determines whether a person is a metzora tamei (person with ritually impure tzara'at) or is tahor?
    13:2 - A kohen.
  7. If the kohen sees that the tzara'at has spread after one week, how does he rule?
    13:5 - The person is tamei.
  8. What disqualifies a kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of tzara'at?
    13:12 - Poor vision.
  9. Why is the appearance of tzara'at on the tip of one of the 24 "limbs" that project from the body usually unable to be examined?
    13:14 - The tzara'at as a whole must be seen at one time. Since these parts are angular, they cannot be seen at one time.
  10. On which days is a kohen not permitted to give a ruling on tzara'at?
    13:14 - During the festivals; and ruling on a groom during the seven days of feasting after the marriage.
  11. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow (e.g., the head or beard), what color hair is indicative of ritual impurity?
    13:29 - Golden.
  12. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow, what color hair is indicative of purity?
    13:37 - Any color other than golden.
  13. If the kohen intentionally or unintentionally pronounces a tamei person "tahor," what is that person's status?
    13:37 - He remains tamei.
  14. What signs of mourning must a metzora display?
    13:45 - He must tear his garments, let his hair grow wild, and cover his lips with his garment.
  15. Why must a metzora call out, "Tamei! Tamei! "?
    13:45 - So people will know to keep away from him.
  16. Where must a metzora dwell?
    13:46 - Outside the camp in isolation.
  17. Why is a metzora commanded to dwell in isolation?
    13:46 - Since tzara'at is a punishment for lashon hara (evil speech), which creates a rift between people, the Torah punishes measure for measure by placing a division between him and others.
  18. What sign denotes tzara'at in a garment?
    13:49 - A dark green or dark red discoloration.
  19. What must be done to a garment that has tzara'at?
    13:52 - It must be burned
  20. If after washing a garment the signs of tzara'at disappear entirely, how is the garment purified?
    13:58 - Through immersion in a mikveh.

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