Parshat Vayakhel « Torah Weekly « Ohr Somayach

Torah Weekly

For the week ending 9 March 2024 / 29 Adar Alef 5784

Parshat Vayakhel

by Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair -
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Moshe Rabbeinu exhorts the Bnei Yisrael to keep Shabbat, and requests donations for the materials for making the Mishkan. He collects gold, silver, precious stones, skins and yarn, as well as incense and olive oil for the Menorah and for anointing. The princes of each tribe bring the precious stones for the Kohen Gadol's breastplate and ephod. G-d appoints Betzalel and Oholiav as the master craftsmen. Bnei Yisrael contribute so many resources, such that Moshe begins to refuse donations. Special curtains with two different covers were designed for the Mishkan's roof and door. Gold-covered boards in silver bases were connected, forming the Mishkan's walls. Betzalel made the Holy Ark (which contained the Tablets) from wood covered with gold. On the Ark's cover there were two figures facing each other. The Menorah and the table with the showbreads were also of gold. Two Altars were made: a small incense Altar of wood, overlaid with gold, and a larger Altar for sacrifices, made of wood covered with copper.



"And he made the breast-plate as a craftsman, like he made the ephod – from gold, turquoise, purple and crimson wool..." (39:8)

At the beginning of the Scroll of Esther, Achashverosh throws a party to end all parties. The party of the millennium. He was celebrating his unassailable grip on the throne of the Persian Empire. At this party, he brought out the vessels of the Holy Temple, which the Babylonians had plundered and caroused with. More than this: Achavshverosh's party attire consisted of the vestments of the High Priest. Why did he do this? Was it some elaborate spoof? Was he poking fun at the Jewish People and their prophecies of the demise of his all- mighty kingdom? Or was there something more sinister behind this charade?

“And the land was formless and empty and darkness on the face of the deep."(Genesis 1:2)

These words form part of the opening words of the Torah. They hint to four mighty empires who will subjugate the Jewish People. The first, Babylon, will snatch the crown of Empire from the Jewish People, and then the Persian, Greece and Roman empires will successively snatch world domination one from the other. Eventually, the last of those empires, Rome and its cultural heirs, will return the kingship to the Jewish People. When that happens, "The lost ones will come from the land of Ashur…" (Isaiah 27:13) and the final exile will end. The name Ashur is related to the Hebrew word "ishur." An ishur is a certification. Each nation who takes the kingship from the Jewish People seeks to "certify" itself as being the true and final recipient of the crown of the world. But they can only do this by proclaiming themselves the true heirs. They claim to be the "New Israel." They claim that the testament of faith of the Jewish People is old; that they have a new one. That, in essence, was what Achashverosh was attempting to do at his millennial party. He was certifying himself as the New Israel. His party was a grotesque replication of the Temple service. The vessels of the Temple were there and being used. He was dressed as the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest. He even went so far as to name his ministers after the offerings of the Holy Temple. He was trying to utilize those forces of holiness for his own means, to set his seal on world domination using the higher spiritual forces. This was no charade.

And we all know how his plan backfired and all turned upside-down, with the Jewish People surviving and thriving, as is beautifully recorded in the Scroll of Esther. May we always merit the same help from Heaven, especially in light of the current security situation in Israel and across the globe.

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