Parshat Tetzaveh « Purim « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 6 March 2004 / 13 Adar I 5764

Parshat Tetzaveh

by Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair -
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G-d tells Moshe to command the Jewish People to supply pure olive oil for the menorah in the Mishkan(Tent of Meeting). He also tells Moshe to organize the making of the bigdei kehuna (priestly garments): A breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a checkered tunic, a turban, a sash, a forehead-plate, and linen trousers. Upon their completion, Moshe is to perform a ceremony for seven days to consecrate Aharon and his sons. This includes offering sacrifices, dressing Aharon and his sons in their respective garments, and anointing Aharon with oil. G-d commands that every morning and afternoon a sheep be offered on the altar in the Mishkan. This offering should be accompanied by a meal-offering and libations of wine and oil. G-d commands that an altar for incense be built from acacia wood and covered with gold. Aharon and his descendants should burn incense on this altar every day.


Fancy Dress

"for glory and for splendor." (28:2)

In light of the critical economic situation here in Israel, the government has been cutting back drastically on renewing visas for foreign workers and summarily deporting those who are here illegally.

A few years ago, we had a cleaning lady from Romania called Valerica. Her mode of dress was the standard Romanian generic stonewashed Levis topped with a T-shirt that proclaimed the megatour of some Heavy Metal Band like Blind Widow or some other denizen of the musical illiterati.

A couple of days ago my wife happened to be walking down Rechov Shmuel Hanavi when she saw a lady who bore a striking resemblance to Valerica. However, this lady was dressed in a long skirt, a modest blouse and her hair was covered with a beret. My wife looked again and said "Valerica? Is it you?" "Yes, its me" she replied. My wifes curiosity was piqued, "But what? What happened? Did you become Jewish?" With a malignant snort she replied, "Of course not! Its only for show. If I dont dress up like this, the police will spot me and kick me out of the country!"

I couldnt help but be struck by the irony: Some sixty years ago, Jews were afraid to walk the streets of Bucharest unless they were dressed as conspicuous Romanians, and some sixty years later this Romanian was afraid to walk the streets of Jerusalem (obviously with far more benign consequences) unless she was dressed like a Jew.

Clothes conceal, but they also reveal.

This weeks Torah portion starts with a description of the clothes of the kohanim. The Torah uses two abstract nouns to define the purpose of these garments: "for glory and for splendor."

The Malbim says that the "glory" of the garments of the kohanim was that they revealed the innate holiness that G-d had given to the kohanim. However, these clothes were also for the "splendor" that would come from the efforts of the kohanim.

"Glory" refers to the gifts G-d gives man. "Splendor" refers to what we can achieve by ourselves.

The reading of this weeks Torah portion comes just before Purim. On Purim there is a widespread custom to dress up in masquerade costumes. What is the connection between Purim and costume?

In Tractate Megilla (12a), the students of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai ask him why the Jews of Persia at the time of Purim were judged to be worthy of destruction. He said to them "You tell me." They said "Because they had pleasure from the feast of that evil man (Achashverosh). However, if that was true, so only the Jews of Shushan who participated in the feast should have been culpable, not every Jew in Persia. So they said back to Rabbi Shimon, "You tell us." He said, "Because they bowed to the idol of Nevuchadnetzar."

But they only did that for show." They only bowed out of fear of being put to death, not because they were really worshipping idols

"They only did it for show, so G-d only did it for show. As it says in the passage He did not answer from his heart. " G-d only allowed Hamans genocide plan to proceed as far as it did to frighten the Jews into repenting and mending their ways.

Our dressing up on Purim is to remind us that this whole world is just a show. That this whole world is a mask that hides the existence of G-d. The word for "world" in Hebrew, olam, has the same root as neelam, which means "vanished" or "hidden."

What we see is not necessarily what is. It is our job to pry the mask from the face of the world and reveal Who is behind it.

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