Parshat Metzora « Parsha Q&A « Ohr Somayach

Parsha Q&A

For the week ending 13 April 2019 / 8 Nisan 5779

Parshat Metzora

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  1. When may a metzora not be pronounced tahor?
  2. In the midbar, where did a metzora dwell while he was tamei?
  3. Why does the metzora require birds in the purification process?
  4. In the purification process of a metzora, what does the cedar wood symbolize?
  5. During the purification process, the metzora is required to shave his hair. Which hair must he shave?
  6. What is unique about the chatat and the asham offered by the metzora?
  7. In the Beit Hamikdash, when the metzora was presented "before G-d" (14:11), where did he stand?
  8. Where was the asham of the metzora slaughtered?
  9. How was having tzara'at in one's house sometimes advantageous?
  10. When a house is suspected of having tzara'at, what is its status prior to the inspection by a kohen?
  11. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have tzara'at?
  12. Which type of vessels cannot be made tahor after they become tamei?
  13. Where were stones afflicted with tzara'at discarded?
  14. When a house is suspected of having tzara'at, a kohen commands that the affected stones be replaced and the house plastered. What is the law if the tzara'at:
    1. returns and spreads;
    2. does not return;
    3. returns, but does not spread?
  15. When a person enters a house that has tzara'at, when do his clothes become tamei?
  16. What is the status of a man who is zav (sees a flow):
    1. two times or two consecutive days;
    2. three times or three consecutive days?
  17. A zav sat or slept on the following:
    1. a bed;
    2. a plank;
    3. a chair;
    4. a rock.
    If a tahor person touches these things what is his status?
  18. What does the Torah mean when it refers to a zav who "has not washed his hands"?
  19. When may a zav immerse in a mikveh to purify himself?
  20. What is the status of someone who experiences a one-time flow?


All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. When may a metzora not be pronounced tahor?
    14:2 - At night.
  2. In the midbar, where did a metzora dwell while he was tamei?
    14:3 - Outside the three camps.
  3. Why does the metzora require birds in the purification process?
    14:4 - Tzara'at comes as a punishment for lashon hara. Therefore, the Torah requires the metzora to offer birds, who chatter constantly, to atone for his sin of chattering.
  4. In the purification process of a metzora, what does the cedar wood symbolize?
    14:4 - The cedar is a lofty tree. It alludes to the fact that tzara'at comes as a punishment for haughtiness.
  5. During the purification process, the metzora is required to shave his hair. Which hair must he shave?
    14:9 - Any visible collection of hair on the body.
  6. What is unique about the chatat and the asham offered by the metzora?
    14:10 - They require n'sachim (drink offerings).
  7. In the Beit Hamikdash, when the metzora was presented "before G-d" (14:11), where did he stand?
    14:11 - At the gate of Nikanor.
  8. Where was the asham of the metzora slaughtered?
    14:13 - On the northern side of the mizbe'ach.
  9. How was having tzara'at in one's house sometimes advantageous?
    14:34 - The Amorites concealed treasures in the walls of their houses. After the conquest of the Land, tzara'at would afflict these houses. The Jewish owner would tear down the house and find the treasures.
  10. When a house is suspected of having tzara'at, what is its status prior to the inspection by a kohen?
    14:36 - It is tahor.
  11. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have tzara'at?
    14:36 - They become tamei.
  12. Which type of vessels cannot be made tahor after they become tamei?
    14:36 - Earthenware vessels.
  13. Where were stones afflicted with tzara'at discarded?
    14:40 - In places where tahor objects were not handled
  14. When a house is suspected of having tzara'at, a kohen commands that the affected stones be replaced and the house plastered. What is the law if the tzara'at:
    1. returns and spreads;
    2. does not return;
    3. returns, but does not spread?
    1. 14:44-45 - It is called "tzara'at mam'eret," and the house must be demolished;
    2. 14:48 - The house is pronounced tahor;
    3. 14:44 - The house must be demolished.
  15. When a person enters a house that has tzara'at, when do his clothes become tamei?
    14:46 - When he remains in the house long enough to eat a small meal.
  16. What is the status of a man who is zav (sees a flow):
    1. two times or two consecutive days;
    2. three times or three consecutive days?
    15:2 -
    1. He is tamei;
    2. he is tamei and is also required to bring a korban.
  17. A zav sat or slept on the following:
    1. a bed;
    2. a plank;
    3. a chair;
    4. a rock.
    15:4-5 - Only a type of object that one usually lies or sits upon becomes a transmitter of tumah when a zav sits or lies on it. A tahor person who subsequently touches the object becomes tamei and the clothes he is wearing are also tmei'im. Therefore:
    1. tamei;
    2. tahor;
    3. tamei;
    4. tahor.
  18. What does the Torah mean when it refers to a zav who "has not washed his hands"?
    15:11 - One who has not immersed in a mikveh.
  19. When may a zav immerse in a mikveh to purify himself?
    15:13 - After seven consecutive days without a flow.
  20. What is the status of someone who experiences a one-time flow?
    15:32 - He is tamei until evening.

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