Cracks the Rabbi
Purim Special
- Questions That We Didn't Know How To Answer
- Questions That We Didn't Know How To Answer...but did anyway
- Shlemazel Puzzle
Name@Withheld from Argentina wrote:
Dear Rabbi,Shalom. In order to complete a text I need some missing words in Hebrew. My dictionary doesn't have them. Could you spell the following words in Hebrew (using Latin letters, as my e-mail program does have Hebrew)? The words I need spelled are: Globalization, New Age, International Monetary Fund, New World Order, Neo-liberalism, Internet, Wide World Web, computer, Rome, World Bank, Bar Code, William Henry Gates III, Bill Gates, Brussels. Sorry for the inconvenience but I have no one else to help me on this matter. Ciao!
Name@Withheld from Belgium wrote:
Dear Rabbi,I have a few questions: When it's the New Year, Jewish people eat apple in honey; do you have a recipe? Do men help cleaning the house when it's Easter? Who is Haman? How does his head look like?
Name@Withheld wrote:
Dear Rabbi,Can a vegetarian eat animal crackers?
And here are some we didn't know how to answer, but we did anyway...
Dear Rabbi,Does television have any educational value?
Dear Name@Withheld,
I must say that I personally find television very educational. The minute somebody turns on the television, I go to the library and read a book.
Name@Withheld wrote:
Dear Rabbi,
What is "Cole's Law"?
Dear Name@Withheld,
Thinly sliced cabbage with mayonnaise.
Name@Withheld wrote:
Dear Rabbi,
I would like to thank you for using the letters "Shabbat" to spell Shabbat. I enjoy reading many Jewish books in English but the one thing that always bothers me is Shabbat spelled "Shabbos." While that may be the pronunciation of many English-speaking Jewish people, they don't write tzedaka as "tzdukuh." Thank you.
Dear Name@Withheld,
Yer welkum! Yasher Koiach!.
Shlemazel Puzzle
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