Three-'D' Survival
"Three-D" is a term associated in the minds of most people with the wonders of three dimensional imagery. But there is another meaning for "Three-D" in the past and future of the Jewish People.
In the Torah portion which will be read in synagogues this Shabbat, our Patriarch Yaakov prepares himself for a fateful encounter with his hate-filled brother Esav and his band of terrorists with the three "D"s Diplomacy, Defense and Davening. Diplomacy took the form of appeasement through a substantial gift. Defense consisted of strategically splitting his camp into two fronts and concealing weapons behind his households clothes. Davening was praying to G-d for Divine salvation.
Israel is doing a heroic job of struggling for the survival of its citizens through the diplomatic efforts made by its government and the defense provided by its security forces. But the "D" which won the day for Yaakov and his family was the Davening the prayers that earned a Heavenly-engineered change of heart in his implacable enemy. This should serve as a reminder to Yaakovs descendants that their diplomacy and defense will only prove successful if the davening of Jews earns from Heaven the change of heart in our enemies towards peace with Israel forever.