Gittin 65 - 71 « TalmuDigest « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 13 February 2016 / 4 Adar I 5776

Gittin 65 - 71

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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  • The limits on a minor's ability to buy, sell or make vows
  • When the husband or wife are able to nullify a get
  • When the agent is instructed to deliver a get in a specific place
  • Which sort of instructions are understood to mean the writing and delivery of a get
  • When more than one agent is appointed to write or deliver a get
  • Insobriety or speechlessness on the part of one ordering a get
  • The demon effect of the kurdaikes and the antidote
  • Rabbi Sheishet and the evil servants of the exilarch
  • How King Shlomo got hold of the shamir
  • Binyahu and Ashmodat, king of the demons
  • King Shlomo's rise and fall
  • Unusual cures for various illnesses
  • Counsel for staying healthy
  • If kurdaikes is comparable to sleep or to insanity
  • When instructions for writing a get are given by nodding or writing
  • The validity of written testimony
  • Marriage and divorce for those who cannot communicate in normal fashion
  • Incomplete instructions for writing and delivering a get

Wine or Money

  • Gittin 66a

"Give Rabbi Avina 400 zuz from the wine I have by the Panya River."

These were the instructions given by Ganeiva as he was being led to his execution.

Although instructions regarding a gift coming from a man about to die constitute a valid transfer of property without the need for a kinyan, a doubt to Rabbi Avina's claim was raised by Rabbi Abba.

Ganeiva did not say to give him wine, he argued, nor did he say to give him the monetary value of wine. All he said was to give him 400 zuz from his wine, and since when can money be made from wine?

Rabbi Abba's challenge was thus answered by his colleague. The reason why Ganeiva did not specify wine or money but mentioned both of them together in one phrase was in order to give Rabbi Avina a strong position in making his claim to Ganeiva's heirs. Had he merely specified wine and some of Ganeiva's wine had turned sour, his heirs would have claimed that it was the wine given to him that had spoiled. Had he specified money and some of the wine was sold and the money acquired was lost, they would claim that it was Rabbi Avina's loss. Only by combining wine and money in one phrase did he grant Rabbi Avina the privilege of claiming either wine or money according to the circumstances.

What the Sages Say

"Three things weaken a person – fear (of the future in regard to livelihood or enemies), travel and sin."

  • Beraita (Gittin 70a)

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