The Levites of Today
A major subject of this week's Torah portion is the selection of the Levites as the "Legion of G-d" with a special status and special responsibilities.
Rambam (Laws of Shmitah and Yovel 13:13) points out that the Levite is a concept rather than just a member of a special tribe. Just as the Levites were not involved in agriculture, war, or any worldly matters because they were reserved for serving G-d, so too will anyone who chooses such a role be provided with all his needs.
How fitting is this as a description of those who dedicate their years and sometimes even their lives to the study of Torah in yeshivot and kollelim. Just as the Levites did more for the entire nation than they received from it, these modern members of the "Legion of G-d" are the ones who secure Israel forever.