From a father who visited his son in yeshiva...
"... I had a truly wonderful trip... spending precious time with my son, meeting his many wonderful friends who were so respectful, attending Rabbi Yaffa’s shiur which was tough going, spending a memorable Shavuot, my son and I giving it our all (almost without a break) culminating in the Kotel walk....
I realised then how far my son has come in his commitment and interest in Torah learning. I hope with all my heart he continues in this vein, loving and improving in his learning, going slowly and putting effort into translating properly. I met his Canadian chavrusa, a great humble guy, may the chavrusa continue...
I felt the love of the Rabbonim for all the boys, and the happy camaraderie between the boys and the respect they have for the Rabbonim...
Best wishes. "
Michael Cohen
"Pisga not only taught me how to learn but how to live through my learning. It was much more than a yeshiva experience and equipped me for life with valuable Torah hashkofa."
Ze'ev Block
"Describing something that happened 6 years ago can often be a difficult task – after all it was 6 years ago! However, describing something that is going on in one’s life at the moment is simple and effortless. Pisga was a gap year that I took 6 years ago, yet each day I am privy to see the deep influence that it has on my life. The close knit connection with the numerous Rebbeim and friends that I made that year have only become tighter, and the ever-so-real appreciation for the Torah that was taught at my personal level as a high school graduate constantly lights up the way and guides me in pursuit of becoming a true eved Hashem. The great balance that Pisga provides is perfect for a matriculant seeking growth in his learning and middos, as well as life in general.
Thanks a lot. "
Shlomo Weber